Thursday, 10 July 2014

Recent happenings on Sherkin

What’s been happening recently on Sherkin.. 

Well there was a wedding a few days ago! I think the whole island plus another couple of hundred people must’ve been at the pub for the celebrations (also we were all there)! The pub and the marquee outside looked beautiful decorated with candles and fairy lights – with the view of the sea and mainland Ireland across from the pub it was a really stunning place for a party. There was an excellent band and there was much drinking, dancing and merriment!

On Sunday we went rockpooling (for fun) at one of the nearby beaches and we bothered many sea beasties.

Aside from that it has been work as usual in the Marine Lab – Maria is back from her holiday back home in Spain and she has returned with yummy things and wine! (I’m sure the wine is also going to be yummy). Her return brings the Plankton Team back up to 3 people, which will make washing tubes a LOT faster, and pulling up plankton nets from 50m depth will be nicer with 3 people also.

Also another bod has arrived! Her name is Jess and she is a new addition to the Rocky Shore team (the 2nd best team here). Hopefully this will 
mean that the Rocky Shore people will be able to sleep a more normal amount each night now!

In other news, a villainous horrid meddling devil creature (a cat) broke into the plankton lab (probably jumped through a window) a few days before the wedding and proceeded to cruelly vandalise (walk over) our precious, delicately positioned, beautifully and painstakingly prepared sample tubes – ruining them all and leaving cat hair everywhere. It also menacingly tore some of our posters off the wall and threw some books on the ground. Finally this mean, dangerous animal decided to pay us the ultimate disrespect, and defecated next to our tube table. It also weed somewhere unidentifiable – leaving our lab smelling like cat wee no matter how many windows and doors we left open. We later identified the wee location when we took our kit box onto the boat and found that this made the boat smell like cat wee. So we have now washed ALL OF THE THINGS, and are on the lookout for the culprit feline..

 We may all become expert Bogglers by the end of the Summer as Boggle is a major evening activity - some people are better at using predefined words, whilst others are better at finding as-of-yet-undefined words..

"My precious.."

For Caz.

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